Jukebox Hero

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pretty (Bad Ass) in Pink

Have you seen Current TV or checked out current.com? I saw the video below while watching the channel a few nights ago, and I thought it was an incredibly compelling story. The focus of the piece is on organizer Sampat Dal and the revolutionary group known as the "Gulabi Gang," which is a women-led, grass-roots organization in northern India that is willing to get physical while battling for women's rights. I've done a little research since then on Sampat Dal, and I've read some things that I find troubling--hints that her desire for women's empowerment has led her to embrace a role-reversal of sorts (young men who jump when she snaps her fingers, for example)--but mostly I think this is incredibly inspiring and all-around fanfuckingtastic. Hope you do, too.

PS: I broke some bones in my left foot. I am on Darvocet. It's not so bad.

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